Feel Your Emotions Fully And Release

Feel your emotions. Don’t bury them inside. I can’t let myself stay locked into a lower frequency emotional and mental state. I, we must allow ourselves to feel it and let it flow through us. So we can get back into the present moment. Gratitude is a key. Being grateful for(to) someone or something, for life and the small beauties, helps me get back into this present moment. Because this present moment is all that we have right now. Cherish it. Cherish your loved ones. I(We) cannot control everything. Feel fully, then release, whether they be positive or negative. Go for a walk. Do something that feels good, if you have to force yourself for 5 minutes, just do it. As a healer this is all very important for me, to be present. Today I choose to go for a walk with Dad. Healing! Love! Gratitude! We don’t need to carry emotions from the past into the present. A setback doesn’t always have to be a setback, it’s a challenge, we can view and work with it from another perspective. As life has had some trying times for us again recently I have to realize there is much to be grateful and thankful for, which brings me back to center in the moment, it is then that I can smile or cry, and breathe. It is then that each moment has opportunity for a new emotional experience to feel and cherish. I am grateful for my strength and the strength of family. I am a spiritual being. You are a spiritual being. We are all spiritual beings – we can handle stress and trauma shock, as we raise back into our higher frequency energy state, our true self, our higher self, our true natural state of being. It is said that we can let the emotions flow, in and then out, like the waves crashing onto the beach. One day at a time. Be in the moment. Be in this minute, this second. What is time.. Spread the LOVE.. Right Now. Shine. Breathe Nature!

With Love, NATE 🧚🏽‍♂️💖

“Stay True, Be You” ~NK

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