It’s amusing how smart people who say they’re open-minded are actually so close-minded that you can throw their intelligence right out the window. They have no idea how to comprehend looking at a concept or situation from a different perspective. Stop judging.
Put yourself in another’s situation and take a look from their point-of-view for a second. You may think someone acted stupid, or “why would someone do that?”. Really try to see it from a different perspective. Yes I know you can’t get inside their head, but just try to empathize. Set all of your judgements aside for a moment.
We come from different places and can act in certain ways. You may then realize how someone acted or what someone did was not stupid. But it actually made sense at the time, good or bad. Let’s not be so hard on others. And for some, let’s not be so hard on ourselves. We are all human. Well most of us anyways 😉
Your human comrade,
Thank you for giving this advice. It will help me lot.