TRUTH-We are POWER. You and I.

Flow with me here, my powerful earthling angelic humanoid terrestrials and beyond. Breathe it in.

Right now you are here and I am telling you this for a reason. You are hearing this right now for a reason. If you’re here, you are down with this. So from this point on- You must remember this, YOU ARE POWERFUL. So powerful. I AM POWERFUL. You are powerful. Together we are so fucking powerful.
Do you realize this? This is TRUTH. Realize this right now. DECIDE. Decide right now. Some of you, my loves, my good friends.. you are already here, you know this. Powerful. So here’s a reminder. Keep up the great work.

If we stop wasting our energy on all this stupid shit and nonsense- distractions, issues meant to divide and produce fear. We then become a powerful united tribe. Unity! Our energy must be put on uniting together, spreading love with open arms, healing, understanding other perspectives with kindness, and changing to move beyond the current global corrupt broken systems in place. It can be a good thing to have our views change from what we may have said or thought in the past. We are growing, so change is necessary. We are rising up right now. They—They don’t want that. They are afraid of us—that’s how powerful we actually are, in truth. We are far more powerful, energetic, mighty, all-powerful. You and I. When we are united together as one. ONE LOVE. One powerful tribe with immense positive energy and healing power for all, with an infinite abundance to go around. Share the LOVE.

We will see the others with the blinders on, asleep, the tunnel vision. Autopilot, habits. Tunnel vision— This is called mental myopia. Fuck mental myopia, we want utopia. Or we may see this reflection in ourselves, look inside yourself, we become aware of it. I could look inside myself and see this, I’m aware of it, and then I open up and change—growth, the sky and beyond is the limit. Really, There is no limit. No Limit baby, like Master P said— Make say Ugh—Na Na Na.

When it comes to high achievement, the majority is ALWAYS wrong. Think about it. What do you think? Feel free to comment below. Am I wrong here?– Am I right? Or am I right?
This is truth. Awake- Awakening — YOU!

Normal—What even is normal. You want normal? Fuck normal. How fucking boring. Normal? Get real. EXPAND.. CREATE.. GROW.. Let’s have some real fun on this earthball. The reason we were really put here. What is your reason? What is your purpose? Who’s the boss? YOU. You are the boss. One second—Slim Thug is beaming in(sing it)—Like a Boss!

You are the boss. And you are allowed to ask for help, in your growth expansion cycles. No guts, no glory. No balls, no glory. The heart.. What do you feel in your heart?

Don’t sit there and wait for someone to save you. Save yourself. Cracks in the system are exposed. I’m not going to just sit and wait.. and wait.. for someone or something to “save” me. That is false reality. I AM responsible for myself. Say it with me– I AM responsible for myself. And by doing that, we can help those around us immensely. It’s all right here.. right here inside of us. It’s inside—It always has been! When people wake up to that and feel that truth— THAT IS POWERFUL. It is our true natural state.

Then get past the fixing. Move to this level of creation. CREATE. The creation is inside of you. Inside of me. Right here. We may see others in autopilot continually believing the false information, what they see.. hear.. Overthinking, telling themselves in their head, putting themselves down. The crashing into the wall and continually banging their head off the wall. Sheep willingly walking right into the butcher.. Into the wolf den. That’s the tunnel vision, people may not even realize they are in it—YOU see it! Some people are projecting their internal issues outward externalized at others. Don’t let that bother you. You know it’s coming from a place of false reality. The fear. Frequencies that are meant to bring people down. Get beyond that. Your energy is far more powerful than that itsy bitsy nonsense. Plant a seed. Be kind. Everyone is at there own level of progress.

Radiate the oneness of the creator within yourself. You are the creator. We are one. One Love. Who do you love? Love yourself. LL [sing] “Who do you loveeee.. are youu for sureeee.. Whoooo dooo you love?”


Karma is clearing. You’re even allowed to embrace the bullshit, and move forward. Huge factor in personal growth, planetary growth, universal growth. Stay on the path. Sometimes you veer off of it. Get back on the path. Spread your love. Your heart is filled with that love energy. I know it is. Your heart is filled with that love beat energy that goes far beyond your physical body. Way beyond. Radiate it out.

Let’s grow together in unity as one. Together we are Power—My guy, Bo Schembechler—The TEAM. The TEAM. The TEAM. Humans, animals, trees, plants, flowers, earth.. Everything. Union. Unity.
YOU are allowed to silence the noise around you and project the true positive vibes from your heart. Especially when you have that other negative energy coming in from somebody or somewhere. Your higher level energy overcomes(overtakes) that and you can bring them onto your level.

I am awesome. You are here. You are awesome, and amazing in many ways. I feel it. Control your vibrations to be the master of your own harmony. We can turn our weaknesses into strengths. That’s the whole point! Give focus only to which you want to see expand, anything else is nonsense. Harmony! Now I want you to write something down at the end of this—right now, on scratch paper, on a napkin, in the comments box, wherever—something to remind yourself how powerful you actually are(If you don’t believe that, that’s bullshit thinking going on in your head. It’s not even your thinking. Lots of thoughts in our mind coming from somewhere else. It’s not even our thinking. You’re here. You are powerful. Write that down!) or someone to look up to for you to get there, you already have it in your DNA baby! Smile at a stranger today, feel the good energy. A lot of you realize all of this, and this is a reminder to keep going, because sometimes we have a bit of amnesia. You rock! Keep going!

You can find me on Instagram @primespiritmedicine. YouTube-Prime Spirit Medicine. Private FB group-Prime Spirit Medicine. My blog— I will have some herbal formulations for healing coming soon as well, as I work on my primespiritmedicine .com website. VIP Life Coaching to come.

Go rock it. SING. Breathe deeply and know we got this. Be sensitive! But don’t be so fucking sensitive! SMILE! I got your back.

With Love,


[Transcript of: slightly modified of vid sermon. Here is my May 19, 2020 Prime Spirit Medicine video.]

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